Sell your RV
Experience the Co-ownership benefits
Sell a fraction of your RV. Enjoy the luxury hassle-free co-ownership, reducing the full financial burden.
Ditch sole ownership and become a Reve co-owner
Starting with one other co-owner, we can help you find up to three co-owners who will cherish your RV as much as you do.
Set the price
With our network of interested RV co-owners you are sure to sell shares of your RV at a fair price
Stop overpaying
By splitting the costs between multiple owners, you can afford the best services at less cost to you
Less ownership, less worries
You’ll retain at least ½ ownership of the RV and get to enjoy the perks of our concierge RV service.
See your savings
With Reve, you Co-Own an RV and we manage all of its administrative activities. As a Co-Owner you more easily can afford the best RV, insurance coverage, and maintenance as the costs are shared between your fellow Co-Owners
Best RV, insurance and maintenance, shared*.
Select a RV Class
Select days of use
Estimated Price
$ 100.000
Estimated price represents the average cost of luxury RVs in the chosen class
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) is the price that a product’s manufacturer recommends it be sold for at the point of sale.
With 25% down payment and financing at 4% APR for 5 years
5 Year Cost
$ 382.500
$ 104.850
$ 90.000
Ease of ownership
(Maintenance, Cleaning, Warranty)
Luxury Experience
(Dedicate concierge, Scheduling, Pick up/Drop off)
Co-Ownership VS Rental
You save
Co-Ownership VS Ownership
You save
These costs are estimated and non-binding.
Over a 5 years of having the RV you save an estimated
(Co-Owning vs Owning)
Over a 5 years of having the RV you save an estimated
(Co-Owning vs Renting)
5 Year Cost
$ 104.850
Ease of ownership
(Maintenance, Cleaning, Warranty)
Luxury Experience
(Dedicate concierge, Scheduling, Pick up/Drop off)
Co-Ownership VS Rental
You save
Co-Ownership VS Ownership
You save
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) is the price that a product’s manufacturer recommends it be sold for at the point of sale.
Cost of the vehicle(Also includes cleaning, insurance, etc.)
5 Year Cost
$ 382.500
Ease of ownership
(Maintenance, Cleaning, Warranty)
Luxury Experience
(Dedicate concierge, Scheduling, Pick up/Drop off)
5-year cost encompasses the RV's purchase price along with other associated expenses over the same period, such as maintenance, insurance, and cleaning
5 Year Cost
$ 90.000
Ease of ownership
(Maintenance, Cleaning, Warranty)
Luxury Experience
(Dedicate concierge, Scheduling, Pick up/Drop off)
With 25% down payment and financing at 4% APR for 5 years
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These costs are estimated and non-binding.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Yes, owning a Reve RV is true real RV ownership. You purchase a share in an RV-specific LLC. The RV is fully managed specifically for co-ownership.
Is Reve a timeshare?
Reve is not a timeshare. With a Reve share you own a portion of an LLC that owns your RV. Whereas a timeshares sells the right to use a fixed amount of time but not the actual equity in the asset. The difference is equity and ownership in the RV is with the Co-Owners, not Reve.
How do I schedule time to enjoy my RV?
Every Reve co-owner is different and has different needs for their RV. Our highly flexible scheduling system. Ensures every Reve co-owner has the opportunity to use their RV equitably during peak times in the year.
What are the steps to buying a Reve RV?
The process for buying a Reve RV is different than if you were to buy an RV yourself. Fortunately we manage the entire process.
What are the perks of Reve managing your Co-Owned RV?
As a Reve owner, you're entitled to an array of exclusive perks that aim to enhance your RV experience. That combine to elevate the RV experience. Thanks to the work of your concierge and our vendor network you can expect to receive your Reve clean, well-maintained, fueled up, and ready to go for your next get-away.
Where is the RV parked when not in use?
As a manager of your Reve LLC, we get a parking lease for your RV in an area that is close to the Co-Owners.
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Is Reve a timeshare company?
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Do I really have ownership in the RV?