Luxury RV ownership has never been more attainable
Ready to experience your dream RV? We’re here to provide answers to any and all questions you may have about the RV Co-Ownership experience.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Yes, owning a Reve RV is true real RV ownership. You purchase a share in an RV-specific LLC. The RV is fully managed specifically for co-ownership.
Is Reve A timeshare?
Reve is not a timeshare. With a Reve share you own a portion of an LLC that owns your RV. Whereas a timeshares sells the right to use a fixed amount of time but not the actual equity in the asset. The difference is equity and ownership in the RV is with the Co-Owners, not Reve.
How do I schedule time to enjoy my RV?
Every Reve co-owner is different and has different needs for their RV. Our highly flexible scheduling system. Ensures every Reve Co-Owner has the opportunity to use their RV equitably during peak times in the year.
What are the steps to buying a Reve RV?
The process for buying a Reve RV is different than if you were to buy an RV yourself. Fortunately we manage the entire process.
What does the Reve Concierge do?
Each Reve RV is assigned a personal Concierge who oversees the smooth operation of the vehicle. As a Reve Co-Owner you will know your Concierge by name and contact him by phone or email whenever the need arises.
What are the perks of Reve managing your Co-Owned RV?
As a Reve owner there are a number of additional perks. That combine to elevate the RV experience. Thanks to the work of your concierge and our vendor network you can expect to receive your Reve clean, well-maintained, fueled up, and ready to go for your next get-away.
Does Reve co-ownership save me money?
Yes. We made it easy for you to calculate how much more you can get for your money with Reve. Link to calculate.
How are Reve RVs maintained and repaired?
Each property has its own unique LLC that powers all repairs and maintenance costs associated with ownership. Your concierge works with our vendor network and we pass the costs on to the Co-Owners
Are pets allowed in the RV?
Yes. Pets are allowed per the standard Reve LLC operating agreement. Owners can choose to change this policy through the LLC voting process detailed in the operating agreement. We can help match Co-Owners that hold similar preferences or requirements for their RV.
Do I need to clean the RV after my trip?
No, that's a great perk of being a Reve Co-Owner. At the end of your RV Trip we pick up your RV, clean it, and prepare it for the next trip.
Where is the RV parked when not in use?
As a manager of your Reve LLC, we get a parking lease for your RV in an area that is close to the Co-Owners.
Can I sell my Reve share?
Yes, in the first year there is a restriction on selling your share. After the first year you can sell without restrictions and Reve will help you by listing the share and facilitating the sale.
Does Reve sell towable RVs?
Not yet. If you'd like to be notified when we start selling trailer RVs message us. Сontact page.
What does Reve certified mean?
Before our Co-Owners buy an RV, we hire a professional 3rd-party inspector to do a detailed inspection of the RV to ensure it is in excellent shape and ready for use.
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Is Reve a timeshare company?
Do I really have ownership in the RV?
Do I really have ownership in the RV?